
With this rainbow we declare to all of YOU, who are working relentless and dedicated for the welfare of our people and Mother Earth, our deepest gratitude, our love and the certainty, that we are supporting you with combined strength. This rainbow should be the symbol of protection and invincibility of all the Beings that want to live together in Love and Peace. Please share this message and send your Love.

18th May 2012

С тази дъга ние заявяваме на всички Вас, които работите упорито и всеотдайно за доброто на нашите хора и Майката Земя, нашата най-дълбока благодарност, нашата любов и увереност, че ви подкрепяме с комбинирана сила. Тази ще е символ на защита и непобедимост на всички Същества, които искат да живеят заедно в Любов и Мир. Моля, споделете това съобщение и изпратете вашата Любов.

18 май 2012 година


"Dear members of the Galactic Federation, and all higher beings who would like to help us, but cannot do so because of certain universal laws. Please help us. We are INVITING you to. On behalf of myself as a sovereign human being, living on planet Earth, I ask you to come down and help us. We know you have been monitoring and visiting us for ages. We know you have technology that could solve our biggest problems, like hunger, pollution and wars, almost in the blink of an eye. But you felt restricted to help us openly, because of universal laws and our "official" representatives, our corrupt governments, not cooperating with you any time you offered your help. Today, we call it ENOUGH. These corrupt governments are NOT representing us. We are representing ourselves and we're asking you to help us. There has been enough suffering on this planet, we want it to end. Please come down and help us. We will welcome you with open arms, and a loving heart."

„Уважаеми членове на Галактическата Федерация, и всички по-висши същества, които бихте искали да ни помогнете, но не можете да направите това поради определени вселенски закони. Моля, помогнете ни. Ние ви КАНИМ да го направите. От мое име като суверенно човешко същество, живеещо на планетата Земя, аз ви моля да дойдете и да ни помогнете. Ние знаем, че вие сте ни наблюдавали и посещавали от векове. Ние знаем, че имате технология, която може да разреши най-големите ни проблеми, като глада, замърсяването и войните, почти с премигването на окото. Но вие се чувствахте ограничени да ни помогнете открито, поради вселенски закони и нашите”официални” представители, нашите корумпирани правителства, които не си сътрудничеха с вас всеки път, когато вие предлагахте помощта си. Днес, ние казваме ДОСТАТЪЧНО. Тези корумпирани правителства НЕ ни представляват. Ние представляваме себе си и ние ви молим да ни помогнете. Имаше достатъчно страдание на тази планета, ние искаме то да спре. Моля ви, елате и ни помогнете. Ние ще ви посрещнем с отворени обятия и любящо сърце.”

Уважаеми читатели, търсим преводачи на ченълиг посланията на Уес Анак на различни езици. За контакти
Dear Readers, we are looking for translators for the channelings of Wes Annac in different languages
Please, write to elvenartjewels@gmail.com

неделя, 5 август 2012 г.

SanJAsKa on the Number and Colors of Galactic Ships in our Skies

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
This short message from SanJAsKa was given as a part of the Aquarius Channelings paid Weekly Newsletter. Option to subscribe below ($11.11 a month)

We are now stationing our ships all around your atmosphere, as while there have been many of us stationing ourselves in your skies for a long time, we have been given the authority to increase the number of us prevalent in your skies in the days and weeks ahead. We will be able to make ourselves known in more bold ways via Cloud Ships and other types of phenomenon that many awakening souls will notice and be able to understand is a sign of our presence in your skies.

At present, we are preparing ourselves to land on your world and make diplomatic contacts and efforts with all of your nations, many of whom are quite aware of our presence and our immediate wish to be on the ground with you. Time has now run out and our options have waned down to be in line with the final merging timelines and scenarios that are being brought forth and brought together on your world.

You are experiencing the upheavals and the surfacing of trauma that has been discussed numerous times, and you are feeling as well the departure of the old as your world readies Herself for our full presence upon Her surface. You are readying yourselves as well for our imminent arrival by going through the surfacing of former emotions and traumas, which will see you a better vessel to absorb the Lighted energies we will be giving you, which you will note are quite strong from our simple presence around you.

This is because we come from realities wherein this energy is quite normal and all are used to the flowing, radiant auras and colors that some of us choose to take form as. These colors are the pure energy of Love, of Source, and these are the colors which construct your very souls and bodies.
These colors are very prevalent among our many Motherships and Star Ships, and you will see whenever we are able to become openly known on your world that our ships themselves possess auras which fly around with us as we make our ventures throughout your world. Despite the density that has been fed and adhered to on your surface for so very long, special admissions are being made allowed so that we can express our full Light and radiance without it becoming too much for your dear Earth souls.

We ask you now to continue on in your process of readying yourselves for the disclosures and impending revelations which have been waiting for so very long to burst forth, as they are just beginning to make themselves known.

Thank you to SanJAsKa.

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