With this rainbow we declare to all of YOU, who are working relentless and dedicated for the welfare of our people and Mother Earth, our deepest gratitude, our love and the certainty, that we are supporting you with combined strength. This rainbow should be the symbol of protection and invincibility of all the Beings that want to live together in Love and Peace. Please share this message and send your Love.
18th May 2012
С тази дъга ние заявяваме на всички Вас, които работите упорито и всеотдайно за доброто на нашите хора и Майката Земя, нашата най-дълбока благодарност, нашата любов и увереност, че ви подкрепяме с комбинирана сила. Тази ще е символ на защита и непобедимост на всички Същества, които искат да живеят заедно в Любов и Мир. Моля, споделете това съобщение и изпратете вашата Любов.
18 май 2012 година
"Dear members of the Galactic Federation, and all higher beings who would like to help us, but cannot do so because of certain universal laws. Please help us. We are INVITING you to. On behalf of myself as a sovereign human being, living on planet Earth, I ask you to come down and help us. We know you have been monitoring and visiting us for ages. We know you have technology that could solve our biggest problems, like hunger, pollution and wars, almost in the blink of an eye. But you felt restricted to help us openly, because of universal laws and our "official" representatives, our corrupt governments, not cooperating with you any time you offered your help. Today, we call it ENOUGH. These corrupt governments are NOT representing us. We are representing ourselves and we're asking you to help us. There has been enough suffering on this planet, we want it to end. Please come down and help us. We will welcome you with open arms, and a loving heart."
„Уважаеми членове на Галактическата Федерация, и всички по-висши същества, които бихте искали да ни помогнете, но не можете да направите това поради определени вселенски закони. Моля, помогнете ни. Ние ви КАНИМ да го направите. От мое име като суверенно човешко същество, живеещо на планетата Земя, аз ви моля да дойдете и да ни помогнете. Ние знаем, че вие сте ни наблюдавали и посещавали от векове. Ние знаем, че имате технология, която може да разреши най-големите ни проблеми, като глада, замърсяването и войните, почти с премигването на окото. Но вие се чувствахте ограничени да ни помогнете открито, поради вселенски закони и нашите”официални” представители, нашите корумпирани правителства, които не си сътрудничеха с вас всеки път, когато вие предлагахте помощта си. Днес, ние казваме ДОСТАТЪЧНО. Тези корумпирани правителства НЕ ни представляват. Ние представляваме себе си и ние ви молим да ни помогнете. Имаше достатъчно страдание на тази планета, ние искаме то да спре. Моля ви, елате и ни помогнете. Ние ще ви посрещнем с отворени обятия и любящо сърце.”
Dear Readers, we are looking for translators for the channelings of Wes Annac in different languages
Please, write to elvenartjewels@gmail.com
Save the white lioness
петък, 21 септември 2012 г.
Хаторите от Слънчевите Астрални Полета на Земята: Разнообразие на Звездни семена, Промяна в Енергийните постановления и Вашата Колективна Устойчивост Чрез Уес Аннак

неделя, 9 септември 2012 г.
The Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes: A Special Message for the Delivering of the 9-9 Energies

We come to you dear, beautiful souls at this time to issue a message about the incoming energies being given to you with the activation of the 9-9 portal on your world. We are helping an increasing number of conscious Lightworkers and souls of the higher realms as well to increase the purity of the energies being given to your world in ways that will activate and expand the 9-9 portal as well as serve to upgrade the chakras and the energies being brought through the chakras of all of humanity.
You are indeed to find upheavals within yourselves and within the collective as newer paths are forged which the incoming energies being given to you are serving to set the foundation for. Are you dear souls not finding that the delivering of these energies which has been ongoing and which we have been preparing you dear souls for, for quite as while now, is beginning to have a wonderful and marvelous impact upon your Lives?
We ask you to continue to hold steady to your visions of the future because as always, you are Creating the future that manifests before you and you are now Creating this future in a much more rapid fashion with the delivering of the 9-9 energies to you.
Not only are these energies about openings and activations, they are about setting you dear souls onto a perfect path to full consciousness, which you are coordinating and forming along with numerous souls from the higher realms. Your collective and individual Life paths are being planned out at this point and each upset or disturbance that seems to occur in your Lives can be taken in stride as you all realize that everything which is occurring at this time in your Lives and in the collective consciousness has long been planned to commence.
There were events on your world that were not planned or wished for by the Light forces, as the degree of influence that the Light can have on any given planet is determined by which energy the collective is feeding. While there will be very many difficult explanations that will be had for you dear souls about the purposes and functions of energy [which are infinite], you will find that one simple discussion is that whichever energy you feed is the energy that will manifest in your Lives, wearing various different masks.
The energy or emotion that you bring through yourselves will always be given back to you in a specific and unique way, and you are all now beginning to be able to find the openings and expansions in yourselves that are seeing you actively working with your own personal Laws of Karma and Attraction. You are all beginning to realize the enormous and profound affects that you are having upon each other and as a result, introspection is being garnered that will see you able to bend and shape these Laws in ways that work for you.
We do not mean that you will be manipulating these Laws to fit into Laws which would manifest that which you want without your putting in the much-needed effort; rather, we mean that you will begin to realize the affects you are having upon others and as a result, will be [and are] asking yourselves at nearly all times if the energy you are bringing through yourselves or the actions you are committing toward another are helpful or hurtful to you and them along the paths of all of you.
The energies that are being delivered to you with the opening of the wonderful energy gate known as the 9-9 portal are setting the foundational stage for the openings of gates which are grand in stature and purity, and you are all to find the quite physical and noticeable opening of these gates in the time ahead as you are exposed to increasingly-pure wavelengths of energy.
The very act of the energy work that we perform for your world; that is, sending energy down to you in decreasingly distorted forms as we help Create your realities which are sustained as well with such energy – the very purpose of our doing this is to expose your collective and individual consciousness to increasingly-pure subplanes of reality.
You are progressing the final rungs of the third dimension and while many of you are beginning to garner a fourth and even premature fifth dimensional awareness, the energy that we are giving to you is helping you to absorb energies that are every pure and that are increased in purity from the previous energies you are given through yourselves.
The [evolved] aspects of your higher self take this increasingly-pure energy that we and many others are giving from these higher astral realms of your world, and store them into an energy reserve or ‘databank’ that exists as an imprint with your soul-consciousness. Your soul-consciousness is connected to your bodies via your chakras and whenever becoming open to the reality of your chakras’ existence and whenever beginning to open them, you will find an undistorted awareness of the higher realms as you will be bringing them through yourselves increasingly.
You are beginning to be able to access this vast reserve of energy that you dear souls are storing within yourselves but as always, your measure of belief in the reality of the energy-work you are performing at any given time will be the ultimate deciding factor in how purely your energy reaches you. If you dear souls employ blocks, limitations or frustrations within yourselves in relation to these energies in any way, than you will not find them in the complete purity that you wish to and you will rather be working with such energy through a distorted veil that you will have employed.
Dearest souls, you will find that it is only your mindset in any given avenue that holds you back.
Do you understand your infinite and limitless potential, and how pure of an energy you now have the potential and opportunity to bring through yourselves? With the giving of these very recent energies, your awareness is to reach a peak-point and the events manifesting in your outer-Lives will reflect this heavily.
You will notice subtle and not-so-subtle changes in your state of perception and in that of those around you. Those who are as of yet unawakened may feel a slightly amped-up stress or frustration and they will not quite be able to pin down exactly why they are feeling such frustration.
Many will assume that it is because of ongoing happenings in their personal Lives that bring them stress and frustration, and while this is correct on the surface, we say that what is occurring deep within the surface-consciousness of every human is what’s really causing the stressful emotion and energy being experienced by you dear awakening souls and by a plethora of unawakened souls at this time as well.
There are plenty of unawakened souls whose oversoul wishes them to be exposed to the pure energies of the fifth dimension that are being gifted to your world increasingly and that are being quite pumped-up, even moreso than usual, with the delivery [and opening] of the 9-9 energy gate.
This particular gate of energy is infinite in the quantity of energies it can bring through itself and while it will be serving to bring through very pure energies as their purity is increased with every single gifting of such energies as has been decreed, this gate will not yet be bringing through the complete unfiltered energies of the fifth dimension as many of you dear souls have not yet grown to such realms in yourselves.
This discussion rounds back to the aforementioned discussion of your natural Law of Attraction, which you are employing and realizing within yourselves.
Any action that you dear souls give out is returned instantaneously as you undergo your experiences upon your various planes of reality. We say that no two of you dear souls currently exist upon the same plane of reality and rather, you are all existing upon and Creating your own specific and individual realities through your everyday thoughts, words, feelings and actions.
As you begin to find and understand a Multidimensional awareness and as you progress the lessons that have been set out for yourselves, you expose yourselves that much more to the pure energies being given and to the vast reserve of energy that you dear souls are holding within yourselves.
Every soul who has been exposed to the truths of the higher realms is experiencing a gifting of the energy stored within your soul-consciousness and your physical and etheric cells at this point, and while many of you have not yet found this storage of energy we say that you are still feeding off of it increasingly as it is becoming more known within you.
Even that which we discuss about the unfolding energetic events in your beautiful Lives cannot be felt by you dear souls unless you are doing the proper work within yourselves that will see you matched with the resonance of this energy being gifted to you, and this is only one of many reasons that you are asked to perform collective rituals and gifting of Light; to your dark, to your world and to yourselves.
As long as you dear souls begin to expose yourselves to the Light energy and the encodements of ascension-based information that they have for you, you will find and feel yourselves that much closer to your own stored reserve of energy.
We ask you dear souls to make your attempts to feel the vast reserves of energy that you have gifted yourselves and let accumulate within yourselves, while in meditation. Your group meditations will be the most potent form of finding this reserve of fifth dimensional energy as you will be experiencing a group, collective consciousness and the [Light] reserves of all of you will be felt by all within such a group meditation.
However, your individual meditations can be just as powerful and potent, and so we ask you to make your attempts to feel this energy no matter which way(s) you wish to feel it.
Your utilization of these energies will have an enormous effect on the collective as well and from an energetic and ascension-based standpoint, your finding of these energies in yourselves is seen as a vast ‘defeat’ of the dark souls who have gained their power based on the energy that you dear souls have fed. As the souls upon your dear world have fed density and acts of darkness and separation for a plethora of time periods throughout Gaia’s history, the incarnation of the souls who would act as the ‘cabals’ became quite necessary to shift the unbalanced nature and state your world was existing in.
The very consciousness of dearest Gaia was beginning to tear in a way that would have had to see Her sprit leave Her planetary body structure and as a result, would have seen Her unable to host Life any longer and obviously, [no longer hosting Life and leaving] was simply not an option for Her, for us in the higher realms or for you dear souls who were and are experiencing consciousness upon Her surface.
The collective ascension of you dear souls upon Gaia’s surface had long been planned and it was in no way going to be allowed that your dearest Gaia would leave Her planetary structure before such an ascension [or after] because you dear souls still had lessons to learn and collective and individual experiences to go through. The dark souls on your world, after making their incarnations, seemed to add to the destruction with the advent of the atom bomb and whenever such warfare was put to use, many, many souls were called from higher realms to assist very directly in the ascension of dearest Gaia.
Your Galactic brethren, who are the closest out of all of us to you dear souls in spirit-energy, had already been long helping your world along with numerous Ascended Masters who had made their incarnations on your world to help spread Light and truth, but the exploding of the atom bomb was an event that called for a mass migration of the Light forces unto your world to put an end to the violence in the most intense forms that it had been garnered, once and for all.
We specifically did not choose to come to your world [because of] the exploding of the atom bomb, and rather made our way to your world after the event known by many as 9/11 [September 11, 2001].
The anniversary of this event is upcoming and while we are viewing your beautiful surface experience form a point of view of existing outside of time, we say that the collective remembrance of the unfortunate Lives lost on that day will be particularly stronger than it has been, as your emotions as a collective and as individuals will be heightened exponentially with the coming 9-9 portal.
Emotions are going to be higher and stronger during such a time and this is why many startling events and truths that could otherwise be brought forth on the eleventh of your current month of September, [may not likely] play out on that specific day as was an original possibility.
We happily report the developments that we can in regards to the physical bringing-forth of truth on your world but our perspective is much more of an energetic one and we much more prefer to give you energetic updates and updates about this energy being gifted to you.
We say that the energy surrounding your September 11th will be very high and even many of you who do not find yourselves particularly sensitive may be moved by the mainstream broadcasts that are going to play at such a time.
Many of you, upon seeing such broadcasts [about 9/11] may take to lashing out emotionally at the cabals for the purposeful orchestration of this event, and many of you will as well feel tired of your mainstream media which will continue to pass-off this event as the work of people of entire religious faiths who [in actuality] had nothing to do with the event.
Of course, Muslims were not in control of the actions that caused the mass loss of Life that occurred on September 11th and all of the souls who have been unfairly targeted because of the color of their skin and because of their belief system will be and are finding an amazing positive karmic retribution for what they have been forced to go through.
You would revel if you could see how your concept of ‘time’ really works, dear souls, because many souls who had been the most racist toward certain groups of individuals in past Lives are quite literally now finding themselves incarnated within such groups and within the belief systems that such groups have followed.
Of course, nearly all of the religion-based belief systems on your world have been distorted to their own degrees but the biggest distortion and misunderstanding that has been employed is that you dear souls must fight for your beliefs. You will learn soon enough that the best way you can ‘fight’ is to not fight at all, as you will realize the energetic nature of your emotions and your physical actions and you will realize that to attain peace on your planet’s surface, you must act peaceful yourselves and you must quite literally be the change that you dear souls wish to see.
As the crystal energies are making their way to your beautiful bodies in increased rapidity and in increased purity of such energies, we remind you that your focus is needed at this time, as is your keeping of a level head. You are to find the truth that you have so dearly been wishing for and while the manifestation of the various physical events to be unfolding on your surface are, have always been and always will be assured, we tell you that these events will be manifesting at the Divinely-perfect time, just whenever you all feel that things on your world could not heat-up any more.
We have come to you at this time to deliver an update on the energies being given to you and to discuss other matters of importance surrounding this [9-9] time frame. We tell you dear souls not to worry if you do not yet find truths and revelations pouring out that you had expected by this time, and we ask you all to be assured that such truth-based events will be pouring through your mainstream media in due time.
We are able to give you this perspective and offer what we know about the physical events that will be occurring, because we have been put in charge of the energies that are bringing the manifestation of many physicality-breaking events to you. We are overseeing the energies that are bringing disclosure to you and we will be doing our best to keep the collective energies in as much of a balance as possible upon the delivering of disclosure.
As we make our final impressions for this communication, we again ask you dear souls to be easy [now and in the time ahead], because now and at all times, your energies and emotions are truly determining what happens next.
Thank you to the Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes.
петък, 7 септември 2012 г.
The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Diversity of Starseeds, a Shift in Energetic Decrees and your Collective Sustainability

You are feeling a shifting in yourselves of the perceptions that you have held so close with you throughout a plethora of past Earthly Lives, and we are assisting in sending forth the energy that has made this feeling possible.
We ask you dear souls to be easy with yourselves at this time as you are finding your perceptions shifted in a manner that can be uncomfortable at times whilst you witness the uprooting and exposure of those former parts of yourselves which are coming up for review and transmutation. You are all beautiful Gods who have chosen to undergo a temporary Human Earth form and you are now experiencing the energetic upgrades and upheavals alike that are making way for your Multidimensional perception to spring forth in unprecedented ways.
Rest assured, dear souls that everything occurring at this point is occurring in accordance with the highest intent of manifestation for the ascension of your world and you are all undergoing experiences that may seem to knock you down at times but that are serving as catalysts for your ultimate growth and finding of your innate higher dimensional selves and the abilities and perceptions that you have always carried within and that you have simply allowed yourselves to forget about throughout a plethora of Earthly Lives.
You were taught throughout various Lives only to adhere to a certain structure and frame of mind and some are experiencing a slower growth out of such preset limitations and preconceptions about the reality that you all find yourselves in, while others are finding an expansion within themselves that has not been matched throughout their previous Lives.
The Masters that you have always been are unfolding within your bodies and before your very eyes and we applaud each and every one of you supremely, who have allowed yourselves to go through the worst and most intense of karmic and Life path experiences that you had set up for yourselves, as you are coming out of your difficult experiences as shining and marvelous Gods of the Earthly experience.
While your various religions and dogmas have taught you to only look outward for a benevolent entity to show you the way to full consciousness, the biggest secret that has been kept from humanity for generations is that you are all Gods and you all carry the powers within that are being found and expressed by many and that have been found many times throughout your history. There have as well been many souls who have ascended on your world and chosen to come back and be wayshowers and gatekeepers for various souls of your world who were and are to experience ascension.
Many of you dear souls have come from various quadrants and sections of Creation and you have been keen to calling yourselves starseeds, wanderers and Light holders and this is absolutely what you dear souls are; as every soul from higher realms assisting your world has come from different worlds and realms of consciousness.
Each dear Lightworker and Lightholder who is experiencing consciousness on your beautiful surface at this time has made their way to your world (1) from different planets and experiences and you have all come to this world with a very strong and pure line of connection with your ascended energies and with the abilities which lay within your ascended energies.
You have all come to this world to help others find the way along their paths, and as you find the abilities within yourselves that spark your remembrance of the higher dimensions as well as your interactions with the higher dimensions, you are [and will be] finding yourselves able to display such abilities to others and to display the reality of utilizing such abilities to others as well, and they are in turn learning these abilities and finding an expansion in themselves that they have needed to see them ultimately better-aligned with the pure energies of the fifth dimension which are making their way to your surface at this time in increased purity, with every delivery of such energies.
Previously, the doctrines have been that we were to send the continually pure energy of the fifth dimensional New Earth which is being shaped and molded by us and you as we speak; we were given decrees to simply send this energy down in increasingly purer forms along each date on your Cosmic Calendar but as you dear awakening souls have noticed numerous times, you are quite well into your year 2012 and as a result, decrees are now being made for us to repeatedly increase the purity of this energy along what to you would seem as incredibly small upgrades, each and every time it is sent down to your surface and to the various other realms throughout the surface of dear Gaia.
The difference between what we are doing now and what we have been doing for quite a long time as you are continually adjusted to purer frequencies that dear Gaia is heading toward as she approaches the Galactic Center and finds a supreme purity of fifth dimensional Galactic energies; the difference is that we are now working much more actively to increase the purity of energies that we are giving you as we are sending them down in increasingly pure measures every single time they are sent down to your world to Create your realities and be absorbed by you all and by the various chakras throughout Gaia’s surface and within Her inner realms as well.
We have been working to send this energy to you in increased purity along every date on your Cosmic Calendar that is synchronically aligned and that is otherwise intended to see a release of steadily purer energies.
Along the way of performing this work, we and you all have helped to activate stargate after stargate, many of which were in operation fully during your times of Atlantis and some of which were not even opened yet in such times. Your energies and your collective and individual Lightwork-based intents as well have seen the opening of numerous stargates and gates of energy which are now fruitfully bringing through the energies of the fifth dimension and with a very recent happening or ‘event’ as you dear awakening souls may perceive it, we are now authorized to send down energy that is purer and purer with every single gift of such energy through your surface.
Dearest souls, try to fathom how many of your perceived ‘times’ this energy is sent down to continually Create, sustain and help your reality to ascend. This energy is literally being sent to you at all times and the number of ‘times ‘it is being given to you far surpasses even your definitions of infinity.
Try to understand that this energy is constantly being sent down and now, with every continual infinite giving of this energy we are sending to you, the purity of it is increasing very steadily and very slightly so that you can benefit from such increasingly-pure energy coming through your chakras and being absorbed by all of your physical and etheric cells.
You are all finding a much stronger and purer absorption of Light as a result and we strongly encourage you dear souls to rest, as you are now on a fast track to continually absorbing energies that will call for even more of an upheaval within yourselves than what has been attained thus far.
We note that very recently, many of you dear awakening souls have been noticing even more of a ‘change in the air’ so to speak than usual, as you are all finding yourselves existing increasingly within steadily-purer and different perceptions and we say that your feelings in this avenue are quite on the ball, dear souls.
You are existing within a consciousness that many of you have not existed within since your first ventures into the lower realms and as you are finding these [newer] energies, we are gifting them to you as has been our happy job to do for quite a long amount of your ‘time’ – we are gifting these energies now in much more rapid ways than we have been allowed to thus far.
We should say that as of late, as your year is reaching more of an end than many of you perhaps realize at present, decree after decree is being made by the dear Ascended Masters and by the Highest Councils overseeing your Earth and Her ascension, for physical and etheric events to ‘speed up’ on your surface and one such strong decree is that which we have discussed here.
We must stress as well that while this sending of energy to you is incredibly rapid in that it is being increased with each absorbing-phase of such a continual gifting of energy; we must be very careful as we increase this purity of energy and you are receiving it in a stronger purity each time it is absorbed, so as not to overwhelm your dear bodies.
We note the wish for many of you to send as much and as pure of Light through yourselves at any given time via your Kundalini energies or Violet Flame methods and while we appreciate and respect your sheer desire and commitment to assist the Earth in the ways that you are, we must remind you that there is such a thing as becoming overwhelmed whilst within your current limited perceptions, by the pure energy that many of you are bringing through yourselves happily and in increasingly pure measures and doses every time, which is why we must again, be careful about this increasingly-pure energy that we are giving at this time.
The unawakened collective is not yet feeling these energies but will strongly be feeling them in the time ahead and as has been expressed before, you dear Lightworkers and Light holders who are going through these continual adjustment periods and for many of you, recording the experiences within yourselves or on paper; you dear souls have been the willing ‘testers’ of this energy as it is given to the collective.
You dear Lightworkers have been through a plethora of Earthly experiences that have indeed been dense and difficult, and all that you have went through which has acted in accordance with the growth and Life path that you have set out for yourselves upon entering the lower dimensions and finding such experiences within the lower dimensions; you souls have been cleansing a plethora of collective density with each difficult and ultimately catalytic and karmic clearing-based event, and you are finding an incredible Lightness resulting from the work you have all been performing, even with many of you not realizing you are performing such work.
We say that not just the souls working actively to bring forth and express truth on your world, but each and every one of you dear awakening souls have now stored within yourselves a vast library of pure Lighted encodements and you have the power now to access this Light at any time, and you will find as well in the immediate period ahead as multiple stargates are visibly opened on your world, many of which will look quite like the energetic ‘spiral’ sightings in your skies as of late; you will be able to access this vast library of pure spiritual, fifth dimensional energy which you have gained and carried with yourselves for quite some time.
Each and every dear soul who finds they are awakening has Created a karmic and vast storage of pure encoded Light energy [within themselves].
We say that this energy is [positively]karmic-based as each and every one of you, even those who perceive themselves as doing little except absorbing higher dimensional communications and finding a resulting upliftment from them while not actively or physically working toward change on a public level; the energies you are all radiating out as you find your own awakening are Creating a supremely positive karmic reaction and giving of energy to you dear souls, that you will find yourselves activating fully upon your finding of a clear fifth dimensional consciousness.
Try to fathom how so very much energetic change and upheaval is truly to occur in such a short time, dear souls. Your Galactic brethren have wished to express to you that indeed, the plan as it was originally drawn-up by various higher dimensional souls was for [the Galactics] to land openly on your world and gift you with technology and healing energy, quite a few years before the ultimate end [and beginning] point of your current year 2012.
We say this to let you know that the reasons this contact has not yet panned-out, besides a continual stalling of matters on the part of the dark souls who were originally intended work with the Light forces in this time; the reasons that plans had changed and your Galactic brethren have been waiting to make themselves known have not been as much about [the consequences of] sustained collective density as you think.
Indeed, dear souls, your collective freewill has had so very much to do with the decision on the part of those who guide your Galactic brethren to wait to make them openly known, but a common and understandable misconception that has been made is that your Galactic brethren have not landed because the collective density alone is not allowing them to.
The collective density on your world would still indeed have a negative effect on your Galactic brethren were they simply to land without using any types of fifth dimensional healing energy, but you dear souls have been proving yourselves quite able to evolve while handling the experiences that seem to be ongoing and continual.
A wish for you dear souls to grow as a collective and reach strides you are now reaching which were not quite expected by the Company of Heaven [to be reached] without the presence of Galactic beings on your world, has been why your Galactic brethren have not yet made themselves known and [this wish] has been a decree made by the dear Ascended Masters.
You are all Creating change on your world in very big and bold ways without the help of your Galactic brethren and while their preliminary introductions and gifting of technologies to you is indeed to aide and benefit your world in very great ways, they and we as well have seen that you have been able to begin to feel the impetus to enact change on your world as well as begin to come together marvelously and express a mass collective understanding of ascension and of the Light energies bringing you your ascension.
There are many souls on your world who campaign against following the external words of another because it is perceived that you must, at all times, turn within for all aspects of your ascension.
We say that this is a near-truth as it is most important for you to turn within for your ascension but this does not mean that you cannot receive a bit of external help if you so choose. Some do not choose to receive or believe in such help and they are Loved and respected regardless upon their path as indeed, dear souls, there is no reason that they shouldn’t be.
We speak of this mindset to display the fact that humanity as a collective has indeed begun to reflect your continual ascension without the presence of the Galactics on your world yet and while there are very big plans in store and nearly finalized for the unveiling of the Galactic presence and the technologies that they wish to give you, the Company of Heaven has planned a ‘wait and see’ strategy that is not to last too much longer on your world, because you have all been making the progress that you have.
You dear souls deserve the mass applause and [expanded] perceptions alike that you are to be given upon your realization of the Multidimensional ascension that you have been working toward and that you have been working, many of you quite actively, to allow others to begin to find and experience as well.
With your actions in finding and beginning to attain your collective ascension in accordance with the finding of increasingly-pure Light energies, it has become very clear that while the presence of your Galactic brethren and the healing they will offer is indeed needed to be able to cleanse the surface of your Earth and the few of Her realms which are still not in resonation with the higher realms, you have all been getting along quite fine without yet openly knowing of such things.
The collective foundation that you are all building upon marvelously is setting the stage at present for not only the manifestation of the physical events you have looked toward and branded as ‘disclosure’, it is setting the stage for your evolution and attaining of fifth dimensional consciousness as a collective in general. Rest assured dear souls that you are indeed to realize the presence of your Galactic brethren so very soon and to the extent of making this happen, much is ongoing that the energies you are bringing through yourselves are wonderfully and marvelously setting the stage for on quite big levels.
We note the happiness and the Joy that you dear souls feel whenever absorbing channeled or written communications, and we say that this excitement and happiness you feel for the future is to increase vastly and exponentially in the time ahead, namely as you all begin to cleanse your world.
You are to find such a Loving relationship with the Source energy-based technology that you are to be given and we as well as many other energetic alchemists within the higher realms will be there for you to help explain the nature of the energy work you will be performing to cleanse your world, as you will be funneling your personal energies through the technology you will be given and this technology will in turn radiate such energies out to the various spots on your world that such energy is directed at.
We say that many of you, upon garnering an undistorted fifth dimensional consciousness, will even choose to surpass the use of such technologies as they are meant to be outer-manifestations of the fifth dimensional energies that all truly are and hold within. Such technology is of great assistance for a mass collective giving of cleansing energies to your world and to any specific spot on your beautiful world but it is not absolutely necessary and you will find your perceptions on how to radiate and express your beautiful fifth dimensional Light, quite limitless. (2)
You are to utilize sound tones and musical frequencies of pure uninhibited expression for much of the cleansing of pollution that you will all be performing and you will utilize many collective chants and collective meditative efforts as well, to cleanse the condition that your world has been in.
In the avenue of raising awareness of all that has happened on your world for so very log, you dear awakening souls have done so very much and you are uncovering truths and higher dimensional mindsets and heart sets that have been quite forcefully suppressed throughout a plethora of time periods.
What is being done at this time on the surface of your world is something that has not been attained a great many times because of the sheer nature of the suppression that has taken place on your world; not [only] by the cabals, but by you dear souls.
It has been exposed before that the dark souls on your surface at present are only physical manifestations of the density that humanity has Created and fed within for so very long, and such souls incarnated on your world in an effort to help keep the collective balance of density and higher dimensionality in check as you dear souls had manifested quite a lot of collective density that was of a very twisted-up nature.
Such souls as the cabals are quite meant to have their actions exposed as the collective awakens to such actions and realizes that they are truly not [in alignment with the Golden Rule], Creating an awareness within yourselves that your own collectively and even individually fed dense actions have been out of alignment with the Lives you wish to lead and the world you wish to find yourselves in.
Many of you who are now the most active in bringing forth pure and potent truth on your world had fed many actions that you now see and expose as unjust, throughout a plethora of lower dimensional Lives on the surface of your world, and you are now Creating the miracles that you have set out to rediscover upon your venture into vibrations that you are now shifting [and transmuting] back into the pure and higher vibrations of Source as you find such pure and higher vibrations within yourselves.
Can you feel the wonderful Home that you are returning to, dear souls? Many of you are beginning to receive dreamtime impressions of the pure realms of Source and we wish you to hold on to such visions for they are only to increase in the time ahead within your perceptions.
We ask you to continue to hold your beautiful focus of your future as you are Creating it increasingly with every higher dimensional interaction that takes place, with you and with all of those around you. You are having quite a strong ripple-effect with every single thought and feeling that you bring through yourselves and we remind you as always, that your thoughts and actions are Creating your new future and, if aimed in the wrong direction, sustaining your old Lives.
You are becoming increasingly discerning and you are beginning to understand just what Creates your glorious future and just what sustains the old Lives you have enticed yourselves with, and we depart temporarily the channels of our dear scribe with a respect and admiration for you dear souls as you are finding the realms of Source in your own, wonderful ways.
Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.
(1)– Some may wonder why the dear Hathors would use the term ‘your world’ whenever describing our surface experience of Earth, as they exist within higher realms of this world as well. I’ve come to see that they are describing our reality as it is being played out on our surface, which is an entirely different reality and ‘world’ to theirs, thus the term usage.
(2)- It seems that what is being said by the Hathors here and what has been said by others as well, is that the fifth dimensional advanced technologies we will be given that run off of free energy are one facet of the many ways we will be able to utilize free energy to perform various deeds.
The consensus seems to be that once we reach a considerably higher fifth dimensional consciousness [perhaps as we reach the borders of the sixth dimension] we begin taking to bringing this energy directly through our spirit complexes rather than utilizing the ‘middleman’ s to speak of advanced technology.
I, for one, still can’t wait to be gifted with this technology and to remember how to pair my consciousness with it, how to bring energy through it and how to manifest based on such a conscious bond. Bring the Galactic technology on, I say!
вторник, 4 септември 2012 г.
Плеядиански Висш Съвет:
Взаимодействия на кораби-майки и изчистване на замърсяванията
(свободен превод-преразказ, със съкращения)
- Комуникационната технология (за връзка с човека-ченълър, който приема това съобщение, Wes Annac) е една от "много напредналите технологии", която се употребява; не се нарушавала свободната воля на ченълъра и тия, които биха приели предаденото от него, като същевременно не се допускало чистотата на посланията да бъде изкривявана, ако енергията би била долавяна от души с "егоистични ограничения".
- Засега се предпочита комуникация чрез ченълъри, в съгласие със свободната воля и поради негативното отношение към извънземните, което засега мнозина биха имали при неопровержими доказателства за съществуването им (показване по телевизията например).
- Тяхното съществуване ще бъде разкрито напълно на нашия свят; корабите и технологиите им ще бъдат представени; колективният страх ще е временен, тъй като ще се разясни, че ние сме комуникирали с тях през цялото време; [допълнителни разяснения около комуникацията им с нас]
- Технологии за почистване на замърсяванията се използват широко; едно такова устройство използва "целително-базираната по природа" енергия на Работниците на Светлината, усилена със съответна (резонансна) тяхна собствена енергия, и я разпръсква върху океаните и в атмосферата.
- Твърде много центрове на замърсяване има сега и те (извънземните) са стационирани около много такива и непрекъснато ги почистват.
- "Истината, която не сме склонни да изразяваме, освен когато това е необходимо, тъй като ние не желаем нашата Федерация да изглежда като "спасители" на колектива на Земята, е, че ако не бяхме от дълго време разположени в небесата ви, помагайки за извършването на тази работа за почистване на замърсяването с увеличаващата се помощ на Работниците на Светлината и енергиите, които вие давате, вашият свят отдавна би тръгнал по пътя на ускорено [базирано на замърсяването] унищожение."
- Не бива да се страхуваме, защото те са овладели почистването и на най-лошите замърсявания, позволявайки все пак на свободната ни воля да види как тези замърсявания нараняват Земята до определена степен. Но почистването е било задължително необходимо, защото методите за почистване на замърсяванията, открити от човечеството, са били скрити, тъмните сили са имали обичая да прилагат сякаш най-повреждащите Земята методи, както и незнаещите хора са привикнали да увеличават замърсяванията чрез ежедневния си живот.
- Замърсяването от много дълго време се е превърнало в нещо нормално и приемливо.
- Има енергия в атмосферата на Земята, която може да бъде използвана. Хората са забравили отдавна как да я използват.
- Покритите (с мантии-невидимки) кораби се придвижват свободно и почистват най-замърсените места, така че да не се налага Гея да освобождава негативните и плътни енергии по начини, които са били предсказани от други източници, но няма да се случат. Тук се имат предвид "катастрофите, достигащи повърхността на Земята, с крайната цел излекуване на колективната плътност". Те ще се погрижат да смекчат най-тежките бедствия, а ние, обединявайки се и ползвайки технологиите им, ще трябва да (до)почистим, без да предизвикваме природни катаклизми.
- Да се подготвим за новите технологии - напр. свободната енергия и устройствата, които използват такава енергия.
- Новите напреднали технологии покриват всеки аспект на съвременния живот и са безвредни за нас, Земята и околното пространство.
- На "нашите" тъмни са били дадени привидно-напреднали технологии [от негативно настроени сред Сивите], но те са твърде стари.
- Всичките им технологии използват свободна енергия от атмосферата и пространството, налична във всеки свят.
- "Сloaking devices" (устройствата за невидимост) са едни от считаните за най-интересни [сред хората].
- Всичко е енергия (както е казвано многократно) и разликата между нас (хората), тях и техните кораби е, че те и техните кораби съществуват осъзнато в чистотата на съзнанието. Те не само познават и разбират тази енергия, но и са в състояние да я изменят, оформят и работят с нея по много по-чисти и алхимични начини, отколкото повечето от нас сега.
- "Сloaking" (невидимостта) е страна на способността да се възстановява и оформя енергията, която познаваме като "прозрачност".
- Мнозина започват да разбират Универсалния Закон на Привличането - каквото и да е и всичко, което изпратите навън, ще ви бъде пратено обратно към вас, за да придобиете опит. Те се радват да забележат, че мнозина от нас се опитват да работят с това и да внесат в живота си това, което желаят.
- Ние (отвъд телата и костюмите си :) ), те и техните кораби - всички сме прозрачна енергия, която може да избере всяка форма, цвят и стил. Ще намерим за забележителна способността да променяме телата си и да се трансформираме във висшите реалности.
- Може да изберете да сте 5-мерен Кристален човек, или да сте напълно без тяло, да сте "чиста енергия на Източника"; но 5-мерното кристално тяло предоставя почти същите възможности за промяна и моделиране.
- Нашите кораби-майки и звездни кораби са съзнателни (форми на чистата 5-мерна енергия), правят избори и решения, дори ни помагат със съвети. Също така по желание могат да си сменят формата. Когато ги помолим да станат невидими в небето над Земята, те с радост го изпълняват.
- Разяснения по комуникацията - че има активна комуникация сред тях самите (Плеядианците), между различни групи в рамките на Галактическата Федерация, в Галактическата Федерация като цяло (General Council Meeting – Общо събрание на Съвета - на ГФ), с Възнесените Учители, с много души от различни светове около нашия, които също работят за еволюцията на хората и Земята (такива имало много); че могат да разпращат посланията си до повече от един ченълъри (със съответна настройка).
- При предишни посещения на Земята те са споделяли технологиите си, но никога напълно, а само доколкото това е спомагало развитието на съответната цивилизация.
- "Нашата Божествена технология е отражение на Божествеността на всичко, което съществува в рамките на Галактическата Федерация".
- Много души, които са еволюирали отвъд 5-то измерение, не намират за нужно повече да се занимават с (5-мерни) технологии, предпочитат да творят неща, които хората и душите в 5-то измерение твърде не проумяват.
- Те обаче обичат технологиите си, защото благодарение на тях са могли да направят много неща (особено за нас и нашия свят), които иначе не биха могли.
- Сега са обявленията (talking) за технологиите, после ще е показването (walking), когато присъстват сред нас.
- Технологията не е единствената страна на възнесението във висшите реалности, но тя ще ни помогне да се обединим и да изчистим нашия свят - неща, които се изискват преди Възнесението.
Превод: ууу