Note: This message was scribed during the day yesterday, November 6th, hours before Obama’s Presidential victory was announced or known.
The time you’re currently existing in has long been decreed as a transition-stage before the unveiling of your higher dimensional world, and it should always be expressed that you dear souls are Creating your new reality with each conscious thought, action and intention that you bring through yourselves and express to those around you.
The Galactic Federation is working overtime to see-out the many projects and paradigm-breaking events that need to be brought about on your world, and we are utilizing the energy that each and every one of you dear souls give out to help perform all that we are doing at this time. While many of you are still existing within a dense reality that would teach you only to look outward for any aspects of happiness, we say that whenever you are able to break the constraints that have formed the lower dimensional veils over your eyes, you will see that the higher realms have never been easier to attain than they are at present.
There are many dear souls who have strived throughout various time periods of your Earthly history to feel even a facet of the purity of energies that you dear souls are feeling and expressing wonderfully within yourselves at this time and we do not exaggerate when we discuss how easy it is for you dear souls to access such energies now.
It is easier now for you to access these energies because you are perceiving from within a veil that is shrinking increasingly and that is much smaller than the lower dimensional veils of many of those who have been attempting to re-access the energies the higher realms within themselves, in time periods of your Earth’s history wherein the prevalent collective and individual dense energy would keep one from perceiving of these higher realms fully.
As your Earth is speeding ever-closer to the realms of the fifth dimension and as many aspects of Gaia are indeed already existing within the fourth and fifth dimensions, we ask you dear souls to allow yourselves to see and feel the higher dimensions that are making their way to you now at this time, and we ask you as well to see that there are a plethora of souls who are indeed working with all of ourselves to see that your evolution is played-out.
Your evolution out of the realms of the third dimension has been decreed and there is absolutely nothing that will stop this evolution coming about. At present, there are many physical happenings we are looking toward to see the Light energies finally making their way to the surface of your world and being expressed [on the world stage] as such.
The successful re-election of President Obama in the United States will clear the path for the Light Forces to begin working openly and broadly on many Lighted and humanitarian projects that President Obama has been behind without the majority of your world knowing he has been a part of these projects, and the doubt about the Light signature of this soul will completely fade whenever his role in bringing your New World forth is revealed.
Without divulging too much sensitive information at this time, we can say that the President Obama has been playing much bolder and more direct of a role than many dear souls realize at present.
By the time you dear souls absorb this communication, the soul known as Barack Obama will indeed have been re-elected and his re-election will again, signal the beginning of many changes that you dear souls have wished to see for so very long but it is important to express that while President Obama has been and will be a significant bringer of Lighted change to your world, it is still you dear souls who must do all that you can to enact this change for yourselves, as your United States President is only one soul.
It is going to take a collective reuniting for you dear souls to see and feel the inherent unity that you have always known and held within and while there will be so very many souls [even souls you would not expect] turning their attention toward the Light and helping your world to evolve into the fifth dimensional, ascended Eden that she has always been; the projects that will be and are already being established upon your world to bring peace and abundance to every last aspect of your world will require the individual concentration and effort of each and every one of you dear souls who are to be involved in the cleansing projects for your world.
Rather than one race becoming dominant on your world as was the dark cabal’s planes from the beginning, each and every one of you are going to find and rediscover an inherent and collective unity, with yourselves and with every dear soul from every country, every race and every belief system.
The religious aspects of your collective beliefs of the higher realms have in many cases, been the aspects that held you back the most and as [the understandings of] science and spirituality are merged on your world with the coming understandings that will be led by souls such as David Wilcock; former and contemporary religious belief systems will fade-away as many of the souls who looked for their own Light in religious studies and beliefs, will find that this Light has always been within and a reuniting will take place between each one of you and your own individual, personal-held inner light, which you have looked for with an array of physical things.
Many of you have looked toward substances which alter your mental and emotional states and [for some] help you to feel better about your Earth experience, and some of you have looked toward belief systems that dictated what the higher realms were supposed to be like. Dear souls, we could go on and one displaying the things that humanity has turned toward for a validation of the higher realms but the message we wish to give is that you dear souls will find the Light within that you have looked externally toward.
No amount of attempted mayhem or stalling of matters on the part of the dark will be tolerated anymore, because you have reached a very important and critical time in the evolution of your planet and events simply cannot be stalled for freewill-based reasons any longer.
The many Lighted projects that many influential souls have been involved in were indeed meant to have commenced long before the beginning of the current year you are existing within, but we have allowed humanities experience to play-out and we have watched with Love in our hearts as you dear souls took the impetus to begin introducing and reintroducing the concepts and ideas of world peace and a sovereign humanity to the rest of the collective consciousness.
We have watched you dear souls Create amazing, massive rifts in the planetary collective consciousness and we have watched as you looked not to us for the commencing of many changes that we are working on as well behind the scenes, but toward yourselves while utilizing and appreciating the help that we have given you.
We have indeed made the playing field fair, in that we have not allowed the cabals to cause unnecessary harm or mayhem to your planet that is not in direct alignment with your freewill as you travel into purer and purer vibrations, but we have not yet directly made ourselves known and we have not been starting the blog sites, News outlets and Lighted movements that you dear souls have spear-headed and that will be prototypes for the prominent News sites, blogs and humanitarian organizations that will be started-up and that have already been started-up by you, the people.
We ask you to imagine a world that is run by each and every one of you. Imagine each individual sovereign country being led by its people and the entire world being involved in a World Council that will act in accordance with the highest Councils overseeing Gaia and her evolution. Humanity is to be given the reins from the souls who are currently forming the highest Councils of Gaia, as you will have long taken back control of your planet and whether the souls who have formed the cabals would ever admit or realize this; you dear souls truly know what is best for your world Gaia, and you have displayed this tenfold.
You have shown us in the higher realms that you are ready to take back control of the way that your world functions and we will be with you to help you discover the very real effects of clean and free energy, as well as the pure energy that is being sent out from various Crystals on your world who reside just under your surface, and many of whom reside within mountains and large caverns.
Crystals are quite literally everywhere on your world and while the strongest and purest energy-emitting Crystals are being utilized and turned-up in purity with each date along your calendar that you dear souls are passing along; the energy and power of Crystals is literally everywhere throughout your atmosphere and is in fact, surrounding you even right now.
Make your attempts to receive and feel the Crystal energy that is making its way to you right now, dear souls. Integrate unto yourselves and allow yourselves to feel its wonderful and important effects upon your auric fields. Visualize, see and feel this energy coming into your bodies via your chakras and feel as it travels up your spine and out through your pineal gland to be sent out to benefit another.
You are literal receptors of any type of energy you wish to bring through yourselves and this is one key reason that you can access and feel Crystal energy with ease.
As has been suggested, you dear souls are indeed all channelers and you are channeling at all times. At present, many of you who are reading my communication are channeling my energies through yourselves as you absorb and assimilate them. Later, you may be channeling the energies of your television if you are fond of viewing it.
We should say that it is not very healthy for your bodies or minds to channel-through energies of television or radio by subjecting yourselves to them, but we wish to display that you dear souls are all prominent channelers who are always channeling energy around you and it is only the souls who have made conscious efforts in themselves to unlock and access the energies of the higher realms as well as each dear entity and collective existing within the higher realms, who have found such a connection with us. You are all able to pick up on this connection; it is simply that many have lost the remembrance or belief of their own latent channeling abilities.
There is no soul on your Earth who is “more Lighted” than another; it is simply the level that one wishes to interact with their own Godliness that will determine the specific amount and purity of energy they are able to bring through themselves and interact with.
Even the dear souls who channel our energies are interacting energetically with us, in that we are funneling aspects of our own consciousness down to exist temporarily within a body structure whilst we utilize the body structure to deliver a communication unto your Earth. This is allowed willingly by the souls who allow us to utilize their temples and along with the importance of each channeler making their decrees that only beings of the purest consciousness be with them; we as well make our efforts to see that your temples are not interfered with whilst we deliver a message through any dear soul who wishes to communicate with us.
Of course, negative entities are still allowed through if the soul channeling allows them through and this is because of your freewill. If you dear souls wish us to discuss certain matters that we are not able to discuss for various different reasons, some of them being the density of the matters; if this happens than we are replaced with an entity who will answer such an inquiry but who will likely deliver disinformation.
There are simply some avenues of discussion that we are unable to take for various reasons but most souls who bring us through will usually recognize if the connection has been cut-off or if the message has headed toward a certain direction that we could not touch with our energies and impressions. You have all become very wonderfully discerning in which communications you follow and which truths you allow yourselves to integrate as reality.
Proof is beginning to be found in abundance and will continue to be given in the times ahead, that what you are all going through at this time is and has always been so very real. You are seeing now, the Light forces making their impressions upon your Earth in very real and conceivable ways and we say that the changes are to begin picking up in earnest, [only] of course with the continual and active involvement in such changes by each and every one of you.
We come to tell you that indeed, your New World is being shaped and formed into being now more than ever but it is now more important than ever for each and every one of you to do all that you can to help the souls who have been trusted to take care of your countries and your world, to bring forth the change and the cleansing of your world that is to again, begin in earnest.
Your efforts up to this point have assured the victory of the Light that is making itself known now and that will continue to, and we say with a supreme and pure Love in our hearts that you dear souls have worked your way up to this point and you truly deserve all that is to commence from this stage.
Smile, dear souls, for you have manifested your New World.
Thank you to SanJAsKa.